Bloomsburg University Equality Alliance (BUEA)

This past Tuesday I took the opportunity to meet on the first floor of Sutliff, to attend my first Bloomsburg University Equality Alliance (BUEA) meeting. Upon entering the classrom, I quickly learned that this was going to be fun. There was an undeniable energy that carried in the room. One that celebrated open conversations and a little chaos . The room was flooded with the conversations of members, before Lennie (BUEA's President) started the meeting with announcements. Enthusiastically, executive members for the group reminded their guests of upcoming events and answered any questions. Retrieved from Facebook This Tuesday's workshop was titled "Working Out the Kinks". In it we explored what kinks are and how to go about them. While I won't get into a conversation about kinks or attach the diagram that shows you how to effectively , and safely , tie up your partner; I will share what I learned about this group and their approach to educating...