GSM Student Profile: Megan Sumner

Today we are focusing on another amazing student in the GSM program! Megan Sumner is an active student here at Bloomsburg University. She offers her own unique insight from being in the STEM field and within the GSM. What are your preferred pronouns? My pronouns are she/her/hers. Where are you from? I am actually from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. I've lived here my whole life. What is your major? Do you have any minors? I am a dual Computer Science and Digital Forensics major with a minor in Gender Studies. I decided to pick up the minor after having a friend speak highly about the courses in the program. Are you involved in any other clubs or organizations on campus? I’m involved in Phi Sigma Pi, a National Honor Fraternity, where I hold a position as Fundraising Chair. Pictured: Megan Sumner How has being a student in the GSM program benefited your academic and social experiences on campus? Have these classes changed, shaped, or broadened your perspect...