Women's Resource Center

"Affirmations" - empowering quotes
meant to uplift it's reader
As soon as you walk into the Women's Resource Center, located on the first floor of Schuylkill, you are greeted by a welcoming, warm atmosphere. Immediately you are offered the option of tea or water and a seat in a space that is cushioned with blankets, pillows and a TV that constantly plays movies relevant to women's struggles. I was shocked to learn that this small space extends further into the first floor of Schuylkill, including not only Albra Wheeler's office, but also a "Relaxation Room" and a bathroom fully stocked with free, feminine hygiene products. I've never felt more at peace and accepted for my womanhood on campus before walking in here.

As a senior here at BU, I am so disappointed that I was never made aware of all the amazing services the Women's Resource Center has to offer. Like most students on campus, I was under the common misconception that this center was only focused on the needs of survivors of sexual assault. Within minutes Albra Wheeler and her student workers and interns made it very clear that this was a space for any student or staff member who is in need of any emotional support or even just some space. While they are an organization focused more on the empowerment and support of women, they do strive to make an inclusive environment for individuals who don't identify as female.

Gender Neutral Bathroom located in the
Woman's Resource Center
There isn't a set criteria one must adhere to in order to gain the support of this organization. Every member of this organization preaches about the importance of mental health, especially as a student, and advocates their services to any students who might be in need of them. "The Women's Resource Center strives to support, educate, and empower students of all genders through events, programs, and outreach designed to foster awareness of societal issues, build community, and encourage personal responsibility for cultural change," shares Albra Wheeler, Coordinator for the center.

The Women's Resource Center offers a variety of programs throughout the semester that include workshops and tabling on a first-come, first-serve basis. You may have heard of their Feel Good Friday that happens on a monthly basis (their next one is October 4th). Other signature programs include: The What I Wore Exhibit, Take Back the Night, and The Clothesline Project. Their Events Calendar highlights their programs of the month, providing dates and locations for those interested. You can also follow their Instagram or Facebook accounts for more regular updates on the projects they're involved in. You can also contact the Center through their email, stwomen@bloomu.edu, to set up individualized programs for your club or organization. The Women's Resource Center offers comprehensive sexual health demonstrations and can even teach you how to turn male condoms into dental dams (female condoms). Coordinator, Albra Wheeler, stresses the importance of education but also of the Center's original mission:
Wall of affirmations

"My role as the Coordinator is to research, design, and deliver relevant programming and support practices that are relevant and which employ best practice for the support of underrepresented constituencies on campus. More specifically, my primary concern as the coordinator of the WRC is to provide support and non-directive resources and options to students who have experienced any form of Sexual Misconduct, whether the incident occurred on or off campus or before their arrival to campus as a first-year student.

Furthermore, I employ a Survivor Centered Advocacy approach in my interactions with students. Survivor Centered Advocacy is a method to work with survivors that strives to meet a students individuals needs, as the student defines and prioritizes those needs. Survivor Centered Advocacy is both a comprehensive and individualized approach through which to provide support and care." 

Again, students can reach out to the Center through their email, stwomen@bloomu.edu, or there's always the option of calling their front desk at 570-389-2510 to schedule an appointment. Students are more than welcome to schedule an appointment in person and while there pick up some free condoms or a book of "affirmations." 

Catch me at the next Feel Good Friday



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